13 world-class chefs gathered at Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok for "Dinner Incredible"
A historic gastronomic event happening for the first time in Bangkok
On 24 February 2022, 13 world-renowned chefs with a total of 15 Michelin stars from every continent across the world have gathered in Bangkok for a historic gastronomic event, Dinner Incredible, marking the first of its series under the concept "Global through Local Experience". Chef Giorgio Diana, an innovative founder of Dinner Incredible, has teamed up with Chef Noom Thaninthorn Chantrawan from Chim by Siam Wisdom as well as multiple partners to make this incredible culinary journey possible. The chefs are thrilled to learn about local ingredients, and to try their hands on adapting them into exclusive dishes, focusing on farm-to-table, sustainability, and zero waste.

Local ingredients introduced to the global culinary community
Chef Noom, the rights holder of Dinner Incredible of Asia, said in his interview that he is proud to introduce Thailand's local ingredients to the world, "not just only the well known ones but also locally-sourced ingredients such as freshwater prawns, bolete, & Wolffia".
Chef Giorgio Diana also adds on the reason why he works so hard to promote the use of local ingredients: "Using locally sourced ingredients not only will help support farmers who start the food production line, but when food creators study the story of each ingredient they use, it also helps them to absorb the culture, knowledge and lifestyle of the locals. It is like learning and exchanging cultures, which has led to creating menus that can perfectly convey both stories and special flavors at the same time."
flo is proud that our Premium Wolffia is featured at Dinner incredible
Fresh from our farm delivered straight to the chefs' talented hands, our flo Wolffia has a chance to represent Thailand's incredibly rich diversity of ingredients and to shine in various cuisines in best ways possible.
Our team is proud that our effort in cultivating nutritious, safe & sustainable Wolffia helps Thailand's local produce to earn its place on Dinner Incredible's dining table. With its high nutrition and sustainable cultivation, we believe it is time that Wolffia steps into the world's gastronomic spotlight and becomes a sought-after produce across all cultures.
Advanced GreenFarm team, producer of flo Wolffia, would like to extend our special thanks to all the chefs, especially Chef Noom, & the event organizers for giving us the opportunity to showcase this wonderful local plant "Wolffia" to the world.
A quick glimpse to the chef's creation:
#DinnerIncredible #DinnerIncredibleTH #PlayGlobalEatLocal #24hands1heart #SiamGastroPhenomena #CulinaryWisdomInBKK #WorldClassDiningExperience #ChimbySiamWisdom #KimptonMaalaibangkok #ZeroWaste #Sustainable #Wolffia #AdvancedGreenFarm